Category:Cyprinids - Common names
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This category lists the common names of Cyprinids. Whilst this name is often made up by resellers and has no scientific merit, it is the name often first associated to the animal by its locals, beginners and the casual aquarist.
- See here for a list of Cyprinids by Latin name.
Pages in category "Cyprinids - Common names"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 323 total.
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- Bala Shark
- Bala Sharkminnow
- Banded Barb
- Barbel
- Barred Danio
- Bengal Danio
- Black Amur Bream
- Black Labeo
- Black Ruby Barb
- Black Shark
- Black Sharkminnow
- Black Spot Barb
- Black-lobe Algae Eater
- Blackhead Minnow
- Blackline Rasbora
- Bleak
- Blue Danio
- Blue-Barred Barb
- Boomerang Barb
- Bornean Eye Spot Silver Shark
- Brigitte Rasbora
- Brilliant Rasbora
- Brittans Rasbora
- Brocaded Carp
- Bronze Bream
- Bump-Head Garra
- Butterfly Barb
- Butterfly Trout
- Carp
- Carp Bream
- Celestial Pearl Danio
- Chalak Barb
- Chankaensis Bitterling
- Cherry Barb
- Chilli Rasbora
- Chinese Barb
- Chinese Danio
- Chinese False Gudgeon
- Chinese Neon Golden Stripe Shark
- Cigar Shark
- Clown Barb
- Clown Rasbora
- Common Barb
- Common Bream
- Common Carp
- Congo Barb
- Crimson Carplet
- Crucian Carp
- Cuming's Barb
- False Eight-Banded Barb
- False Flying Fox
- False Harlequin
- False Siamese Algae Eater
- False Spanner Barb
- Fathead Minnow
- Filament Barb
- Fire Bar Danio
- Fire Barb
- Fire Rasbora
- Firefin Barb
- Fireworks Rasbora
- Five-Banded Barb
- Flame Rasbora
- Fleckenbarbe
- Flying Barb
- Flying Fox
- Foersch's Fire Barb
- Freshwater Minnow
- Galaxy Rasbora
- Ganges Rasbora
- Gangetic Scissortail Rasbora
- Ghat Barb
- Ghora Muikkha
- Giant Barb
- Giant Chinese Bitterling
- Giant Danio
- Giant Salmon Carp
- Giant Sixbanded Barb
- Gibel carp
- Glass barb
- GloFish
- Glowlight Danio
- Glowlight Rasbora
- Gold Banded Barb
- Gold Barb
- Gold Ring Danio
- Gold Shark
- Golden Belly Barb
- Golden Rasbora
- Golden Stripe Rasbora
- Golden White Cloud
- Goldfish
- Goldstripe Rasbora
- Gracilis Barb
- Greater Scissortail
- Green Tiger Barb
- Green-Barred Danio