Category:Plecos - Common names
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This category lists the common names of Plecos. Whilst this name is often made up by resellers and has no scientific merit, it is the name often first associated to the animal by its locals, beginners and the casual aquarist.
- See here for a list of Plecos by Latin name.
Pages in category "Plecos - Common names"
The following 157 pages are in this category, out of 157 total.
- Big White Spot Pleco
- Black Adonis Pleco
- Black Spiny Ashiura Pleco
- Black-lined Panaque
- Blonde Bulldog Pleco
- Blonde Rubber Pleco
- Blonde Rubbernose Pleco
- Blue Phantom Pleco
- Blue-Eyed Pleco
- Blue-Eyed Red Fin Pleco
- Brazil-Butterfly Pleco
- Brilliant Bristlenose Pleco
- Bristlenose Catfish
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Brown Dot Peckoltia
- Brushmouth Pleco
- Bulldog Pleco
- Bushynose Catfish
- Butterfly Pleco
- Candy Striped Pleco
- Carachama Pleco
- Cheese Creek Bristlenose
- Chocolate Pleco
- Chocolate Zebra Pleco
- Chubby Pleco
- Clown pleco
- Coal Pleco
- Cochliodon Pleco
- Coffee & Cream Pleco
- Common Bristlenose
- Common Bristlenose Catfish
- Common Peckoltia
- Common Pleco
- Common Whiptail Catfish
- Contradens Pleco
- Corroncho Plata
- Ghost Pleco
- Giant Ancistrus
- Giant Otocinclus
- Giant Whiptail Catfish
- Gigas Ancistrus
- Goby Pleco
- Gold Ancistrus
- Gold Marble Bristlenose Catfish
- Gold Marble Bristlenose Pleco
- Gold Nugget Pleco
- Gold Spot Pleco
- Golden ancistrus
- Golden Ancistrus
- Golden Nugget Pleco
- Goldie Pleco
- Green Phantom Pleco
- Green Pleco
- Green Whiptail
- Sailfin Catfish
- Sailfin Pleco
- Scribbled Pleco
- Silver Pleco
- Smoky Peckoltia
- Snow King Pleco
- Snow Pleco
- Snowball Pleco
- Spiny Monster Pleco
- Spiny Pleco
- Spotted Bristle-Nosed Pleco
- Spotted Medusa Pleco
- Spotted Orange Seam Pleco
- Starlight Bristlenose Catfish
- Striped Bulldog Pleco
- Striped Rubber Pleco
- Striped Rubbernose Pleco
- Suckermouth Catfish
- Sultan Pleco
- Sunshine Pleco