Green Chromide (Etroplus suratensis)

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Green Chromide

Etroplus suratensis.JPG
Green Chromide

Etroplus suratensis

250 Litres (66)

12-18 cm (4.7-7.1")


7.5 - 8.5

23 -27 °C (73.4-80.6°F)

12-30 °d

1:2 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods
Other (See article)

5-8 years



This animal is available captive bred

Additional names

Green Chromide, Banded Chromide

Additional scientific names

Chaetodon suratensis, Etroplus meleagris


Rivers, lakes, and lagoons in India.


Can only be sexed when spawning by viewing the shape of the genital papilla.


Undemanding cave spawners. Female lays up to 200 small eggs (1-1.5 mm) inside large flower pot or similar. Both parents tend the eggs.
The female secretes a mucus layer on her sides, which the fry feed on. Large clutches will sometimes cause damage to mother's skin and scales. Eventually she chases them away at a size of 10-12mm.
The other adults generally stay out of the way and do not molest the youngsters much as they grow, but older juveniles will sometimes eat a complete batch of eggs or fry.

Tank compatibility[edit]

This is a shoaling fish that should be kept in groups of 6 or more. Smaller groups can result in the fish fighting amongst themselves. Can be kept with other peaceful but robust brackish tank mates such as Scats, Archerfish and Monos. However, large active fish such as Scats can prevent E.Suratensis from spawning. Can also co-exist with the related Orange Chromide (Etroplus maculatus), but will likewise prevent the smaller fish from spawning.


Feed often with diverse vegetable matter such as frozen chopped spinach, peas or grated carrot. Some flake and pellet food is appropriate but minimize protein to avoid overloading the filter.

Feeding regime[edit]

They are not fussy eaters and will consume most things.

Environment specifics[edit]

Maintain in brackish water with good filtration and aeration. Salt can inhibit good filter function so plan excess capacity.
Salt levels should be about 1/10 of normal sea-salt concentration. Use only aquarium-grade sea salt and not food-grade. Increased salt levels can help fight / prevent infection, but reduce filter efficiency. Ones suited to complete freshwater are available.


They tend to swim in circles so tank width is important - 60cm (23.6") x 60cm (23.6") x 90cm (35.4") minimum tank size for a group of six.


Some references cite sizes up to 40cm (15.7"), but even large installations such as the London Aquarium include few specimens over 20cm (7.9").


External links[edit]