Orange Chromide (Etroplus maculatus)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Orange Chromide
Etroplus maculatus
114 Litres (30 US G.)
7.6-12.7cm (3-5 ")
8.2 - 8.4
22 -26 °C (71.6-78.8°F)
8-12 °d
1:1 M:F
5-8 years
This animal is available captive bred
Additional names
- Red Chromide, Yellow Chromide, Orange Chromide, Chromide
Additional scientific names
- Chaetodon maculatus, Etroplus coruchi
- Primarily found in coastal rivers and lagoons in India and Sri Lanka.
- The male are typically more colourful/deeper in colour than the female.
- Kept with six or more of their own kind, Chromides will pair off as they mature. The female will build a nest out of substrate, and both will chase off other fish that come too close. The male will fertilize eggs after the female lays them. After eggs hatch, both parents will protect young for up to a year. Commercial fish farming has produced a more orange strain.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- These fish are best kept in a sexed pair. Are generally peaceful, but will become defensive if breeding and can hold their own. Shouldn't be kept with overly-aggressive or predatory fish, nor with very small fish.
- Will eat small, live shrimp, and pick at larger snails. Flakes, frozen, and flakes are also acceptable.
Feeding regime[edit]
- May be fed up to three times daily.
Environment specifics[edit]
- While born in freshwater, will advance to saltier water as maturity progresses. Best kept in a brackish environment in captivity. Provide plenty of hiding places. May nibble at plants.
- Semi-aggressive. Usually will not harm tank mates, rather chase them off. May attempt to bite other fish, if Chromide offspring are threatened. Some caution should be taken, as they do have teeth.
- An oval shaped fish with translucent fins. The body colour varies in vibrancy but should generally be orange in colour, this can range from quite pale orange to red. Wild fish are olive-green in colour. Those with wild bloodlines may have darker patches on top of the orange colouration.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: