Fox Coral (Nemenzophyllia sp.)
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Fox Coral
Nemenzophyllia sp.
22.2-25.6°C (72 -78 °F)
Pearly white, grey, purple, pink
Alternative names[edit]
- Fox Coral, Jasmine Coral, Ridge Coral
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Sandbed, Low, Middle of tank.
- Photosynthetic and filter feeder.
Feeding regime[edit]
- A weekly broadcast feeding of plankton, or reef food should suffice.
Environment Specifics[edit]
- Thrives in higher nitrate conditions. Will also do well under many of the same conditions that a Bubble Coral will do well under.
- Has toxic sting, keep other corals that you value away.
- Calcified under skeleton, pillowy ruffly body with mouths in at the core.