Red Streak Cichlid (Apistogramma hongsloi)

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Red Streak Cichlid

Apistogramma hongsloi (11120040994).jpg
Red Streak Cichlid

Apistogramma hongsloi

76 Litres (20 US G.)

5.1-7.9cm (2-3.1 ")




6.0 - 7.0

24 -27 °C (75.2-80.6°F)

5-10 °d

1:2 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods

3-5 years



Additional names

Red Streak Cichlid, Rotstrich Cichlid, Blackseam Cichlid


Drainage of the Rio Orinoco, where they live in the shallows near the banks.


Males have more vibrant colouration than females.


Requires soft water to breed. Like most Apistos, they are harem breeders; one male spreads his time between multiple females. This fish is a cave breeder; the female may lay from 50-100 eggs on the roof of a cave, which the male then fertilizes. Female will guard eggs and subsequent fry, while male will defend entire territory. Since a males territory may encompass more then one brooding female, the dominant female maybe take control or the raising of all fry in the territory.

Tank compatibility[edit]

Considered to be peaceful and a good community fish. Males are territorial, and if more then one male is kept in the same tank, much space and cover must be provided to allow for the creation of each males territory.


Good quality flake food, but the addition of frozen, freeze dried and/or live food should be provided. Mosquito larva, tubifex worms, blood worms, water fleas, brine shrimp and Cyclops are all excellent additions to there diet.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed once or twice a day, no more then can be consumed in a few minutes.

Environment specifics[edit]

Provide with hiding places/caves made from driftwood and unglazed ceramic pots. In order to give them the best quality of life, and enjoy the fullest display of natural behaviours a well-planted tank should be provided
Sensitive to water quality issues, regular water changes are a must. Like all Apistos, they are sensitive to toxins, medications and low oxygen levels.


A peaceful yet territorial cichlid when breeding.


An attractive small Apistogramma. The males have the characteristic elongated fins and spiked dorsal rays. The fins are red-brown in colour whereas the body is brown/green/blue with a bold lateral black line from the nose to the base of the caudal fin. The bottom half of the body towards the end of the fish may also be red in colour with some iridescence. There are several colour variations, including fish with stronger yellow colouration.



Hongsloi with fry:

External links[edit]