Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
From The Aquarium Wiki
Powder Blue Tang
Acanthurus leucosternon
473 Litres (125 US G.)
50-54 cm (19.7-21.3")
8.1 - 8.5
23 -28 °C (73.4-82.4°F)
8-10 °d
1:1 M:F
2-3 years
Additional names
- Powder Blue Tang, Powderblue Surgeonfish
Additional scientific names
- Acanthurus delisiani, Acanthurus delisianus, Acanthurus leucosternum, Hepatus leucosternon, Rhombotides leucosternon
- Indian Ocean: eastern Africa to the Andaman Sea, southwest Indonesia and Christmas Island; with range extended to Bali, Indonesia in Western Pacific
- Mature males are smaller than mature females.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Should not be kept with similar looking fish or with fish with the same feeding habits. Other species of Tang are not recommended as the Powder Blue can be territorial. The Powder Blue should be the only Tang-like fish in the system. Fish that do not resemble it should be fine however and should be peaceful yet robust.
- Will mainly graze on algae and spirulina, and may also take lettuce, dried seaweed and zucchini. When buying these fish be aware that stock can easily starve, do not buy fish with sunken bellies.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed 2-3 times a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- This fish is very active, and is found in strong surge zones in the wild. In the tank, very high current should be provided, as well as plenty of Live Rock for grazing. It does best in a Reef Tank setting.
- Active and territorial.
- Oval-shaped fish, with a steep forehead, black head, pale blue body, yellow dorsal and anal fins, and a small mouth with visible teeth.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: