Spotted Bristle-Nosed Pleco (Ancistrus hoplogenys)

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Spotted Bristle-Nosed Pleco

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Spotted Bristle-Nosed Pleco

Ancistrus hoplogenys

114 Litres (30 US G.)

12.7-15.2cm (5-6 ")




5.5 - 7.5

22 -26 °C (71.6-78.8°F)

2-20 °d

1:1 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Other (See article)

5-8 years



Additional names

Spotted Bristle-Nosed Pleco

Additional scientific names

Chaetostomus hoplogenys, Chaetostomus leucostictus, Chaetostomus alga, Chaetostomus malacops, Chaetostomus tectirostris, Ancistrus leucostictus, Xenocara hoplogenys


The female is slightly broader than the male. Males have a large number of bristles on the nose.

Tank compatibility[edit]

A generally peaceful Pleco with other tank mates. Do not keep with too many other bottom-dwellers or Plecos if not enough hiding places are provided to avoid any aggression. The male will usually try to find or create a cave and defend it against any other fish


Will accept most vegetarian foods and will graze on algae, supplement with blanched vegetables and algae wafers.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed once or twice a day, will be more willing to feed after lights out.

Environment specifics[edit]

Prefers a spacious and well filtered tank with hiding places, bogwood and caves provided. Most stores carry tubes for that purpose. Alternatives are bamboo tubes of sufficient width and length or coconut halves with a carved entrance (which they will then also start eating from the inside out). If no caves or suitable structures are provided the male might try to dig one under a rock or piece of wood (which can become somewhat detrimental to aquascaping perfectionist's efforts).


A peaceful, mostly nocturnal, Pleco.


This Pleco has long branched bushy "bristles", sometimes referred to as "antennae" or "tentacles" when mature, mostly so on the males, which is unique in the Ancistrus family. This Pleco is attractive with a dark brown-black base colour with many tiny white spots covering the body and fins, the caudal and dorsal fin are edged with a thick white band.


External links[edit]