Anabantoid Association of Great Britain
From The Aquarium Wiki
We are based in the U.K. with the following goals :
- To promote an interest in the study and maintenance of the Anabantoidei, Luciocephalidae, Channidae and Badis families
- To provide AAGB members with information on the maintenance and breeding of the above families.
- To assemble and maintain libraries of information and slides
- To encourage the breeding and distribution of anabantoid species
- To publish a regular newsletter
- Participation in conservation projects such as the Sandelia project in Grahamstown.
Web Site[edit]
Contact Information[edit]
- Annual fee based, fees as of 2005:
- Junior (under 16) & OAP - £3.50
- Individual - £8.00
- Family - £10.50
- Overseas - £12.50