Cactus Sponge (Acanthella cavernosa)
From The Aquarium Wiki
(Redirected from Yellow Lattice Sponge)
Cactus Sponge
Acanthella cavernosa
208 Litres (55 US G.)
0-0 cm (0-0")
8.1 - 8.2
22.2-28.3°C (72 -83 °F)
3-5 °d
1:1 M:F
20-40 years
Alternative names[edit]
- Cactus Sponge, Yellow Lattice Sponge, Red Lattice Sponge
- Hermaphroditic.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- Do not keep with aggressive fish or invertebrates that may damage it.
- A filter feeder, can easily starve if not enough food is available in the water column. Feeds on plankton, bacteria and suspended detritus.
Feeding regime[edit]
- A baseball-sized sponge can filter 50 US gallons an hour, so plenty of particles need to be available to it. Requires at least one direct daily feeding.
Environment Specifics[edit]
- Must have strong water movement and requires a shaded area. This sponge is not photosynthetic. In the wild it is found near caves with strong currents. Will not tolerate algae growth. A challenging animal to keep and generally does not do well in captivity.
- Delicate filter-feeder, will generally stay static.
- Brilliant yellow, orange or red colouration with many nodes making its surface appear pitted and spikey. Specimens should not contain grey or white tissue as this indicates sickness.