Red Devil (Amphilophus labiatus)
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Red Devil
Amphilophus labiatus
246 Litres (65 US G.)
25.4-35.6cm (10-14 ")
7.5 - 7.8
28 -33 °C (82.4-91.4°F)
6-10 °d
1:1 M:F
5-8 years
This animal is available captive bred
Additional names
- Red Devil
Additional scientific names
- Heros labiatus, Cichlasoma labiatum, Herichthys labiatus
- Endemic to the Atlantic slope of Nicaragua, in Lakes Nicaragua and Managua. Has been introduced in Singapore, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
- Males can grow between 25-34cm (9.8-13.4") and will be larger in body whilst females are usually smaller and more delicate. Males will show a large nuchal hump.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- This is a very territorial and robust Cichlid that is either best kept alone in a species tank or with similar-sized robust fish like large Plecos and other large South American Cichlids provided the tank is large enough to allow for territories and filtration is more than adequate.
- This fish is most definitely not a fussy eater and will eat most foods. Feed high quality Cichlid pellets as well as live/frozen food such as brine shrimp, crickets, mealworms and other meaty foods. Feeding this Cichlid shrimp with shells on will help maintain it's orange colouration as the shells contain carotene. It may also accept blanched vegetables such as lettuce and zucchini.
- Avoid high protein foods like beefheart and feeder fish.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day. This fish has a big appetite.
Environment specifics[edit]
- These fish require large, long tanks. They are not planted tank safe and will "rearrange" tank décor, including pulling up plants and knocking over/breaking precariously-placed décor, thermometers, heaters or filters. Tank equipment should be sturdy and preferably housed in secure casing and any décor should be heavy and set straight on to the tank base to prevent it from being toppled.
- The tank should be well filtered and mature, these are messy fish, and weekly partial water changes of at least 30% are essential.
- A large and aggressive Cichlid. Is interactive with the goings on outside its tank and will come to recognise its owner.
- This fish can be mistaken for Amphilophus citrinellus. Red devils are more elongated, more streamlined fish whereas the Midas cichlid is a bulkier, taller-bodied fish. Midas typically will grow a larger nuchal hump than Red devils. Also, when viewed from above the mouth of a Red devil will be a V shaped whereas the mouth of a Midas will be more of a U shaped. The snout of the Midas is shorter and more blunt than the more elongated snout of a Red devil.
- Red devil and Midas cichlids have been hybridized for years, so the commonly seen "Red devils" seen in fish stores are hybrids of the 2 species. To find a pure specimen of Amphilophus citrinellus or Amphilophus labiatus one must find a reputable breeder, seller or importer.
- In the wild, Red devils can be found both in the Coloured variety and barred variety with the barred variety being more common due to the higher likelihood of the brightly coloured fish being picked off by larger predators. In the aquarium trade, however, the brightly coloured, selectively bred specimens are more prominent.
6 month old male: |
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: