Calophysus Catfish (Calophysus macropterus)

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Calophysus Catfish

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Calophysus Catfish

Calophysus macropterus

1325 Litres (350 US G.)

30-40 cm (11.8-15.7")




6.0 - 7.4

23.9-28.9°C (75 -84 °F)

5-15 °d

1:1 M:F

Live Foods
Other (See article)

8-15 years



Additional names

Calophysus Catfish, Vulture Catfish, Zamurito, Pintadinho, Piracatinga, Bagre machete, Mapurite

Additional scientific names

Pimeletropsis lateralis, Pimelodus ctenodus, Pimelodus macropterus


In the wild C. macropterus comes from S. America including the Rio Orosa in Peru.[1]


Difficult to sex visually. The males are usually somewhat slimmer then the females. No reports of being bred in captivity.

Tank compatibility[edit]

Should only be kept with robust fish of similar size or larger. Smaller fish may be preyed upon and this fish has the ability, but rarely will, to fatally attack fish larger than itself. Can be kept with larger species of Plecos and Thorny Catfish, and larger Cichlids.


A carnivorous catfish, will take meaty foods and fish, and also scavenge.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed once or twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit]

Needs a spacious environment with good filtration and hiding places.


An active scavenger, as the common name of Vulture Catfish implies. Will feed on dead, sickly and injured fish. Can be aggressive, and in the wild is known to attack fish caught on fishing lines, and hang on even when both fish are removed from the water.


The body is elongated and the head is broad. The barbels are flattened with the maxillary pair extending past the end of the adipose fin. The number of spots on the silver-grey body varies greatly between populations.



External links[edit]