Malawi Golden Cichlid (Melanochromis auratus)
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Malawi Golden Cichlid
Melanochromis auratus
170 Litres (45 US G.)
7.6-10.2cm (3-4 ")
7.5 - 8.5
22 -26 °C (71.6-78.8°F)
15-20 °d
1:3 M:F
5-8 years
Additional names
- Auratus, Malawi Golden Cichlid, Golden Mbuna
Additional scientific names
- Chromis aurata, Chromis auratus, Pseudotropheus auratus, Tilapia aurata
- Endemic to Lake Malawi.
- The male and female Auratus have completely different colouration. The female is slightly smaller and her body is a golden yellow with black/brown lateral stripes which are bordered in white. The fins are also yellow. The mature male's body is black/brown in colour with a yellow stripe running the length of the body. The top of his body is a mustard colour which is followed up through the dorsal fin.
- It must be noted that this fish has the capability of changing sex, in an environment devoid of males, a female will switch sex. It's less common for males to switch to female.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- An aggressive fish, keep this fish in an African Cichlid set up only. Recommend having 1 male to every 3 females.
- Will take most foods including pellet, flake and live/frozen foods. The Auratus will also graze on algae and supplementing their diet with spirulina is beneficial.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Feed once or twice a day.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Prefers rockwork décor with hiding places. Does best in hard alkaline water. Good substrate choices could be Dolomite or crushed coral to aid in buffering the water.
- An aggressive and territorial fish.
- See sexing. The fish is fairly elongated with the anal and dorsal fins being fairly rounded, whereas the caudal fin is more triangular.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: )