Pakistani loach (Botia almorhae)
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(Redirected from Almorha loach)
Pakistani loach
Botia almorhae
76 Litres (20 US G.)
10-15 cm (3.9-5.9")
6 - 7.6
23 -28 °C (73.4-82.4°F)
2-10 °d
1:2 M:F
6-16 years
Additional names
- Yoyo Loach, Yo-Yo Loach, Almorha Loach, Pakistani Loach, Reticulated Loach
Additional scientific names
- Botia dayi, Botia lohachata, Botia grandis, Botia rostrata
- Mature females are plumper than males. It is widely thought that males may also display more reddish pigment on and around their barbels.
Tank compatibility[edit]
- These Loaches are highly active fish that must be in groups of 4-5 or more of their own species, although they do not strictly shoal. They can irritate shy delicate fish with their very active nature and should not be kept with slow-moving or shy fish.
- These fish will eat most food offered, pellets, flakes, as long as it sinks they are likely to eat it. Varying the diet with some vegetable matter is also to be encouraged. They will eat small snails.
Feeding regime[edit]
- Ideally, feed them once a day, in the evening appears to give the best response.
Environment specifics[edit]
- Ideally kept in a planted tank, with rocks and bogwood etc. to provide many hidey holes. These Loaches have a tendency to find the smallest spaces available within the tank and squash themselves into it. For this reason, they should have a range of cave sizes, so they can "upgrade" as they grow. It is safer to avoid sharp edges on any of the rocks and bogwood to prevent the possibility of the fish cutting themselves.
- These fish can be a great addition, or a terrible inclusion to a tank. They can be very active, chasing each other around the tank at high speed, and terrorizing other members of the community. They must be kept in groups of at least 4-5 to ensure that they keep any aggressive behaviour amongst themselves. Pakistani Loaches are mainly bottom dwellers, and generally snuffle about on the base of the tank for their food, however, they also do take food from the surface on occasion, and sometimes in midwater.
- May make clicking noises as they feed.
- Originating from the stagnant or slow moving waters of India, Pakistan, and adjacent waterways, Botia almorhae have developed the ability to force atmospheric air over their gills as a source of oxygen in oxygen deficient waters.
- The Pakistani Loach can be easily identified by the pattern of black lines running down the body. The name "yo-yo" loach came from these markings, as on some individuals, you can clearly make out the letters "yoyo", amongst these lines. The shape of the Pakistani Loach is similar to other Loaches, such as the Clown Loach or Zebra Loach.
External links[edit]
- Fishbase (Mirrors: