Product Profile

From The Aquarium Wiki
Revision as of 04:34, 14 February 2011 by PsiPro bot (talk | contribs) (Variable Definition: clean up)
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This template has not been created. It will not work yet[edit]

Do NOT edit this page to add a new profile. Please follow these directions.

Variable Definition[edit]

Please use international units of measurements followed by imperial units in brackets. ie 30 cm (12") - Length or 21C (70F) - Temperature or 10dH - Hardness or 100Litres (26 US Gallons). When mentioning Gallons please state which type (UK or US).

Name of the product
This is an image of the product, for details on uploading a new file please see Uploading a New File the default should be 'No_Image.png'
Please incldue a description of the image.
Name of the company who makes this product
Food Type
Dry, Live, Dried. Tablet, crisp, flake
List the ingredients
Amount of Protein, Oil fibre, etc. in percentage.
List the vitamins and amount per Kg
Specialist use?
What animals is it for? All, Chiclids, Frogs, shrimps, etc.

Page Code[edit]

Copy the below code and fill in the blanks as is nessary.

The [[ARTICLE_TITLE]] is also known as [[Link_TO_ANOTHER_ARTICLE]] or [[A_THIRD_ARTICLE]].

{{Product Profile 
  |name = Name
  |image = No_Image.png
  |caption = 
  |manufacturer = 
  |food_type = 
  |ingredients = 
  |analysis = 
  |vitamins =
  |Specialist = 
  |water_hardness = 
  |availability = 

== Product Description ==
:Detailed description?

== Alternative Names ==

== Freshwater/brackish/seawater use? ==

== Pictures ==
<br style="clear:both;"/>

== External Links ==
If there is a company listing for this product, then link to that. Otherwise add a ling to the company's web site or list a postal address.

*Link 1
*Link 2

== Aquarists notes ==
Please put your own review of this product followed by a rating out of 10 then your signature.
Anonymous notes are not worth anything.
Each individual note shouldn't just be a clone of others on the page please.
