British Koi Keepers Society

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About BKKA[edit]

The British Koi-Keepers' Society was founded in 1970 by a group of like minded people who shared a common love for Nishikigoi (Koi). Formed at a time when information about these wonderful creatures was thin on the ground, the Society provided its members with a means of sharing experiences and gaining knowledge.

It is difficult to imagine in today's technological age how hard it was for our early pioneers to obtain that knowledge, but long before the Internet age and indeed, any specialist Koi Magazines, the BKKS had solved that problem and had launched its own magazine, founded several regional Sections, and hosted the first National Koi Show.

Today, the Society broadcasts it's activities and information via pages hosted by Koi magazine. It still provides a National Koi Show which held its 30th anniversary in 2005. We are currently working with our Government departments, DEFRA & EFRA on the Animal Welfare Bill.


Fee based membership.

  • UK membership £15 (full) / £35 (plus)
  • Europe (in Eire) £19 (full) / £49 (plus)
  • Rest of World £29 (full) / £79 (plus)
