Freshwater Lionfish (Batrachomoeus trispinosus)

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Freshwater Lionfish

Freshwater Lionfish

Batrachomoeus trispinosus

208 Litres (55 US G.)

26.7-30cm (10.5-11.8 ")


7.8 - 8.5

23.3-27.8°C (74 -82 °F)

7-10 °d

1:1 M:F

Live Foods
Other (See article)

15-20 years



Additional names

Freshwater Stonefish, Three-spined Frogfish, Toadfish, Freshwater Lionfish


The Freshwater Lionfish is from East Timor, Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia.

Tank compatibility[edit]

Generally a good community fish, but avoid fish small enough to become a meal. This fish is pretty diverse and will get along with most fish that have similar water chemistry. Avoid fish that will attempt to eat the Freshwater Lionfish(s)! Because if the fish eats Freshwater Lionfish, it could choke them and maybe end up killing the fish as the spines on the Lionfish are painful, but not venomous.


The Lionfish is a carnivore and will accept live foods, generally will not accept dried or dead food.

Feeding regime[edit]

Feed 2-3 times a day.

Environment specifics[edit]

The Freshwater Lionfish mainly spends its time on the bottom on the Substrate. It loves to hide, requires plenty of hiding places Also, remember this Freshwater Lionfish is NOT strictly Freshwater and will need a fully Brackish fish tank or Saltwater fish tank as an adult.


Generally a peaceful fish. But, avoid aggressive fish, that will attempt to eat this fish, because the Freshwater Lionfish's spines are painful. Also, avoid fish small enough to become a meal.


It looks like its cousin, the Saltwater Lionfish, except not as colorful, and instead of pink, the Freshwater Lionfish is brown. Also, instead of Large, Tall Spines jutting out of its back. They have small brown bristles on its back. Also, the Freshwater Lionfish is MUCH smaller than its Saltwater counterparts.

Special Note[edit]

This fish is NOT necessarily venomous, unlike saltwater lionfish, the only thing painful, is the bristles on the Freshwater Lionfish's back,, if you rub your hand on the bristles, it is only painful, not venomous. But don't necessarily rub your hand on it's bristles on its back at home! It will hurt!



External links[edit]