British Cichlid Association

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About the British Cichlid Association[edit | edit source]

The Association publishes its journal Cichlidae for members. Two meetings are held each year, one of which offers the opportunity to hear some of the top cichlid experts. Recent speakers have included Ad Konings, well known for his books on Malawi and Tanganyikan cichlids and Professor George Turner who specialises in the study of the speciation of Malawi cichlids. In the autumn an AGM is combined with a second 300-lot auction, where members can buy and sell cichlids.

The current membership is approximately 360. Members can obtain advice, information and literature about Cichlids, in addition to purchasing books and other materials at competitive prices.

The Mission[edit | edit source]

  • To promote the knowledge of the Cichlid family of fish.
  • To promote interest in the care and breeding of Cichlids, particularly in Great Britain.
  • To promote the conservation of Cichlids, both in captivity and in the wild.
  • The BCA is a non-profit making society which aims to promote knowledge of Cichlids, interest in their care and breeding and the conservation of endangered Cichlids.
  • The Association publishes a Newsletter, its journal Cichlidae and Information Pamphlets for members. Two meetings are held each year. Members can obtain advice, information and literature about Cichlids, and they can also purchase books, photos, videos and other goods from the Association.

Website[edit | edit source]

Membership[edit | edit source]

  • Annual fee based membership.